8 Possible Side Effects of Cataracts Surgery

8 Possible Side Effects of Cataracts Surgery

Cataract surgery is known to be a safe vision corrective procedure, having saved millions of people around the globe from impaired vision and blindness. Moreover, it is the only option commonly recommended when cataract symptoms reach the most severe stage. 

Based on records, up to 95 percent of people who were enrolled for cataract surgery have success stories to tell afterward. Before recommending patients, the surgeon would have conducted a series of eye and body examinations to confirm the patient’s eligibility. 

During the pre-surgery screening, the surgeon would have made every necessary correction prescription to ensure the patient was in the best condition to undergo surgery. That is one of the best preventive measures to ensure no complications after the surgery.

However, cataract surgery can come with some health risks like other surgeries. Sometimes, cataract patients struggle with some complications after the surgery. Knowing about them and discussing them with your doctor for a proper way out is good. 

8 Side Effects of Cataract Surgery 

1. Cloudiness in the eyes 

In significantly lesser cases, not up to 50 percent, cataract patients may struggle with cloudiness in their eyes. This complication will likely occur when the cloudy layer, known as posterior capsule opacification, forms behind the implant. 

Cloudiness in the eyes is nothing related to the carelessness or expertise of the surgeon. It’s simply a result of the health conditions of the patient. 

Any patient experiencing cloudiness in the eyes after cataract surgery can visit the surgeon for post-surgery treatment. There’s nothing to worry about; your surgeon can treat it in less than five minutes with an office-based technique.

2. Blurry vision

This symptom is common to almost every patient after a successful cataract surgery. To be precise, you may experience blurred vision after the surgery – and that’s a normal thing to expect.

Like other surgeries, cataract surgery does not heal automatically. Instead, it takes a few hours after the surgery to experience your desired vision. 

Shortly after the surgery, your eyes will be dull, and your vision will be blurry. However, it will disappear after the first 5 to 7 days. If it appears that the blurry vision remains or becomes aggravated after two weeks, you need to seek urgent medical attention as it may be a result of severe complications in the eyes 

3. Floaters 

You may have pre-existing floaters before enrolling for cataract surgery. But, they might not be noticeable because of cataracts. But, on the other hand, if you have been a victim of floaters, they will easily be seen.

Mind you, pre-existence is not the only reason to see floaters a cataract surgery. It could also be a result of Posterior Vitreous Detachment. PVD is a situation where the vitreous pulls out of the retina. This condition usually happens as people grow and their eyes undergo natural changes. The change leads to the development of floaters.

Since cataract surgery involves making incisions and removing the lens from the eyes, there is a risk of having issues with the vitreous. The vitreous can shift during surgery, and that could lead to PVD

Retinal detachment is another cause of floaters after cataract surgery. Retinal detachment is a severe condition where the retina pulls out from the back of the eyes. Retinal detachment affects the retina, causing it to lose its oxygen supply from the blood vessels in the eyes. 

When retinal detachment is left unattended, it may cause permanent vision loss. Though it is rare to experience retinal detachment after cataract surgery, it can have adverse consequences when it happens. Floaters can occur as a result of retinal detachment and other factors like blurry vision, flashes of light, and peripheral vision loss.

4. Dry eyes

It is common to experience the symptoms of dry eyes after cataract surgery. Based on studies and reports, about 42 percent of patients who have undergone cataract surgery had dry eyes shortly after the procedure.

Dry eyes are among the most commonly expected side effects of cataract surgery. But, it is temporary. Therefore, it cannot cause permanent vision loss like floaters. 

Meanwhile, patients might not feel comfortable while the symptoms of dry eyes are still active. Usually, it comes with eye irritation and blurry vision. 

There are reasons patients may experience dry eyes after cataract surgery. The most common one involves the tear film of the eyes, a layer of liquid that covers the eye’s surface. The tear film contains three layers. 

The lipid layer – one of the three layers of tear film – stabilizes the tear film and stops it from evaporating. That function alone keeps the eyes’ surface lubricated and smooth. However, dry eyes mainly occur after cataract surgery because the procedure will likely make the lipid layer thinner. Consequently, the tear film becomes unstable and results to dry eyes. 

5. Eye pain 

You may experience severe eye pain after cataract surgery. Though it is not common for all tractate patients after surgery, many people have come back from the surgery center with severe eye pain. 

Eye pain after cataract surgery is mostly a sign of an infection or other eye complications before the surgery occurs. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo a thorough eye examination before enrolling for cataract surgery. 

6. Double vision 

You can experience double vision after cat fact surgery for many reasons. But, it happens primarily due to the struggles of the brain trying to adapt to the new visual acuity. Like dry eyes, double is of lesser threat. It will disappear after a few days.

7. Infection 

Endophthalmitis is an infection that affects the fluids of the eyes. It occurs in only a few percent of cataract surgery patients. In most cases, infections occur after cataract surgery due to germs. The most common germs that can cause infection after cataract surgery include Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas. 

8. Anesthesia allergy 

Some patients can have an allergic reaction when the surgeon administers anesthesia. If you are not in that category, you may be free from this post-cataract surgery side effect


Proper preparation can go a long way in preventing the above; listed complications people experience after cataract surgery. Make sure you take time to discuss with your surgeon the health of your eyes and body. If your doctor successfully perfects your health before the surgery, you have a high tendency of not be exposed to the listed post-surgery complications.

More to read: 5 Amazing Things To Know About Robotic Cataract Surgery