5 Amazing Things To Know About Robotic Cataract Surgery

5 Amazing Things To Know About Robotic Cataract Surgery

Robotic cataract surgery is not widely known as the traditional procedure. But, it is among the safest and most effective methods of removing cataracts from the eyes for clear vision. As a matter of fact, Robotic cataract surgery is faster and more efficient than the phacoemulsification cataract surgery method.

In recent years, advanced technology has taken over the medical world, resulting in innovations in the prevention and treatment of imperfections in the body. Due to that, most patients are now interested in the new robotic cataract surgery simply in search of clear vision.

Like laser-assisted cataract surgery, robotic cataract surgery involves making a small incision to remove the damaged natural lens and replace it with a new artificial lens. In addition, of course, there are proven ways to repair the affected natural lens if the cataract symptoms are still mild.

Once it becomes aggravated, a replacement lens is the best option. Robotic cataract surgery is safe and efficient. It’s another way to correct blurry vision and other serious complications in the eyes to restore your normal vision. 

Would you like to enroll in the new robotic cataract surgery? Or will you prefer the traditional method? This article will help you decide. As you read on, you will discover five amazing things that may fascinate you to consider robotic cataract surgery. Are you ready to make discoveries? Let’s go into detail.

What is a Cataract?

A cataract is the unnecessary clouding of the lens inside the eye that prevents clear vision. It may cause blurred vision or loss of vision if not cured on time. An eye surgeon performs cataract surgery to restore your normal vision, making a small two tiny incision on the cornea to enter into the eye and remove the cloudy lens by opening the damaged natural lens. He then replaces it with a permanent clear artificial lens inside the affected eye.

Common Symptoms of Cataract

Cataracts begin with the development of cloudy vision. Then, you will begin to have blurred vision. Also, some other common symptoms include developing halos around lights, sensitivity to light and glare, double vision, yellowing of colors, difficulty in seeing at night, and frequent changes in prescription glasses.

Traditional Cataract Surgery

 Phacoemulsification is regarded as the traditional cataract surgery method. In this cataract surgery, the surgeon creates a tiny incision in the cornea. After creating the small opening in the lens capsule, the surgeon inserts a probe into the eye-opening. 

The probe produces sound waves that will break the lens. The broken pieces of the lens are then suctioned out. Finally, the lens is replaced with an artificial lens.

About the new Robotic Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery will become faster and more efficient with the new technology that uses laser systems to operate on cataract patients. Also known as robotic cataract surgery, this technology uses a femtosecond laser machine that is docked onto the eye. 

Images of the eyes are then captured by a system attached to the computer. Next, the cornea’s incision, the lens capsule’s opening, and the lens’s fragmentation are done robotically. Finally, the robotic cataract surgery is performed in less than 25 seconds. 

Here is a guide that explains the benefits involved in robotic cataract surgery.

  • High Precision

Docotrs may not get sharp precision in all cases while removing cataracts manually. However, robotic cataract surgery and computerized laser systems will use surgical risks like low-quality incisions plus a capsular tear running out of control are reduced to an extent. In addition, it guarantees a considerable degree of accuracy and is beyond what humans can do.

  • Perfect Lens Placement and Alignment

The robotic laser creates a precise central opening on the lens bag, ensuring a stable bag and well-centered artificial lens after the procedure.

  • Laser-Assisted Correction

Robotic lasers can correct cylindrical numbers to some extent with Laser incisions, a process not possible with manual surgery.

  • Better Visual Outcome

Robotic cataract surgery enhances sharp vision and guarantees the removal of cataracts and cloudiness. In contrast to manual cataract surgery, robotic surgery guarantees more sharpness as it reduces human intervention and works on calculated incisions.

  • Faster Recovery

There’s quicker recovery with robotic cataract surgery, an excellent option for patients seeking faster recovery.

Tips to hasten recovery time and possible complications

  1. Do not drive on the day of the cataract surgery, or refrain from driving for a few days.
  2. Avoid swimming and getting into hot water tubs to minimize the risk of infection.
  3. Avoiding heavy lifting objects and bending for a few weeks is recommended.
  4. Do not do things that will create unnecessary pressure on the eye.
  5. Don’t rub your eyes immediately after the lens replacement surgery. 
  6. Do not expose your eyes to dust, water, and dirt, as these irritants might cause further complications.
  7. Do take your doctor’s prescribed medications and eye drops.
  8. Wear black-framed glasses for some time to protect your eyes from direct light.
  9. Avoid exposing your eyes to bright lights

Meanwhile, the recovery period requires your effort to hasten things up. After the outpatient procedure, you will have to keep up with the doctor’s office to get updates on how to help the operated eye to get better. 

Your doctor may recommend wearing glasses or contact lenses during recovery. You may also have to apply prescribed eye drops according to the specification of your cataract surgeon.

The rays of sunlight can worsen your vision after cataract surgery. Hence, you may have to wear a protective shield like an eye patch or eye shield to protect the eyes from damage. 

Are you eligible for robotic cataract surgery?

You are primarily suitable for robotic cataract surgery unless your case is complicated or under a few instances of a non-dilating pupil; you are not eligible for laser cataract surgery. 

Otherwise, you can try laser cataract surgery or other trusted eye surgical procedures if you have a hard, matured, or subluxated cataract. Also, if you have cataracts in both eyes, it is advisable to operate the one in worse condition or replace it with a new lens so as not to affect your visual outcomes. 

Though it’s possible to operate both cataracts in one go, your eye surgeon will recommend you after weighing the pros and cons. 

How to prevent cataracts?

Though cataract is a universal phenomenon and age-related change in most situations, maintaining healthy habits may help you keep a clear lens and delay vision problems. Some of these are:

Maintain a nutrient-rich diet:

It is essential to incorporate foods rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and E enriched foods.

Take fresh fruits

Fruits like orange, lime, and kiwi are a source of vitamin C. For vitamin E, use vegetable oils like sunflower, safflower, or wheat germ. Eating nuts, especially almonds, provides a good source of vitamin E. So do peanuts. Also, green veggies like spinach, broccoli, and cereal contain extra vitamin E.

Avoid smoking

Smoking produces free radicals that can harm your eyes. Radicals are chemicals that damage the cells in the eyes and destroy the good chemicals in your body. It is best to quit smoking to prevent cataracts and control Diabetes:


Most patients with an eye infection or diabetes are more likely to develop a cataract. Therefore you must keep it under control. If you experience cloudy vision, blurred vision, or double vision, schedule a follow-up appointment for an eye examination. 

Delaying aftercare treatment can increase your chances of developing complications that can affect the lens of your eye. It may take about a month before you get your perfect vision. Your aftercare treatment will also help you prevent infection during the recovery phase.

More to read: 8 Possible Side Effects of Cataracts Surgery